When the water clogged in heart and in liver and other organs of the body ,
Coughing, slow pulse, less than 45 /min, jaundice. The patient looks terrible.
The water clogged heart , lung , liver . Digitalis can be the great ready to recover the case.
When heart and liver affected together . Digitalis is the remedy .
Here the heart rate or pulse is slow . If the pulse is quick , it's not digitalis .
CASE : WOMAN AGE 65 . Doctor found heart and liver edematous . Jaundice. No appetite Very weak. Cough and cold. Pulse 46 . Slow pulse.
The digitalis Q , 5 drops in 4 spoon of water , twice daily. In three days the edema was less.
In a week she is fine again.
KEY : The heart and liver edema together with jaundice. Digitalis is magic.
The pathological test was very helpful to resolve the case.
